Grey's Anatomy: How Kate Walsh's Addison Return Changes Up Jo's World, According To Camilla Luddington

Grey's Anatomy: How Kate Walsh's Addison Return Changes Up Jo's World, According To Camilla Luddington

Drama? On Grey’s Anatomy? I’d certainly hope so! Let’s not forget that way back in Season 3, Addison slept with Jo’s now-ex-husband Alex Karev. I know in a show like this, it seems like everybody sleeps with everybody at some point, but it still might be interesting if that part of their shared past comes to light, considering he's no longer around. Addison and Alex were never serious romantically, and he really learned a lot from her in a professional capacity, as it was her guidance that led him to change his specialty from plastic surgery to pediatrics. Perhaps Jo following a similar path will be meaningfully symbolic, or maybe it'll lead to something more problematic.