Here’s How to Find Your 2021 Spotify Wrapped

Here’s How to Find Your 2021 Spotify Wrapped

We are aware that Spotify Wrapped is a trick to get us to promote Spotify, but whatever. It worked. We are here to help you marvel or cringe and your habits in the very strange year that was 2021. As for the collective, this year, like last year, Spotify says Bad Bunny was the overall most streamed artist globally, followed by Taylor Swift, BTS, Drake and Justin Bieber.

Spotify was also kind enough to quantify some TikTok meme things for us. If you’re wondering what people added to playlists on “Bones Days” vs “No Bones” days, the answer is “Easy on Me” by Adele is a “No Bones” track, and “Golden” by Harry Styles is the top “Bones Day” song. If you have no idea what we are talking about, we sort of envy you. Keep your innocence. We at the Observer have known no peace since downloading the clock app.

Here’s how to find your very own Spotify Wrapped:

1) Easy mode. Click this link when you are on your phone and logged into Spotify. 

2) If you’re not into lack of effort, you can simply go to Spotify on your phone. There should be a banner (pictured above) to click once you are logged in. If you don’t see it, you probably did not use Spotify enough to generate the data needed for Wrapped. If it’s there you should also see some social media friendly content ready for sharing. Whether you want people to know that you spent 72 solid hours listening to Taylor’s version of “Red” on repeat is entirely up to you.

What if I have Apple Music?

Hey, that’s a thing some people have. Apple Music has a playlist called Replay 2021 that you can find on the “Listen Now” tab if you scroll all the way to the bottom.