Howard Stern Admits MCU Debut On Alleged Hot Mic Slip: ‘I’m Miserable About It’

Howard Stern Admits MCU Debut On Alleged Hot Mic Slip: ‘I’m Miserable About It’

Howard Stern (or someone else on his set) has leaked some very valuable… and interesting information. The shock jock is allegedly going to play Dr. Doom, a Marvel character whose presence fans have been eagerly awaiting.  Unfortunately, Stern doesn’t seem to be enjoying the experience.

Surprise! Dr. Doom Has Been Cast

Listeners of the popular SiriusXM talk show got an earful this week when Stern and one of his staffers were involved in a hot mic moment. Not only did they reveal that Dr. Doom is making an appearance, but Stern is allegedly playing the character. 

Stern chatted with long-time producer of the show, Gary Dell’Abate, a listener myself, the confusion was real. While the typically paid commercials played, Stern was still going. Most blew it off as messed up audio, which it kind of was. However, apparently, if you listened close enough Stern is plainly heard going over his upcoming plans. 

He then reminds Dell’Abate that most of his time will be spent on set filming a Marvel role! “Well, I’m gonna do ‘Doctor Doom.’” 

Howard Stern Isn’t Excited

Howard SternSIRIUS XM

The radio host admitted to his producer that he was not excited, not even a little bit to be filming the movie. He could be heard on-air saying, “But believe me, I’m f***ing miserable about it.” Yikes, that’s rough! First of all, who isn’t excited about filming a cool role for Marvel? Second, if you’re not happy why don’t you just bow out, aren’t you rich?

Lastly, we want to know what the actual issue is ASAP.  Don’t you low-key feel ripped off getting cut off from someone’s private conversation? Just kidding! But for real, it seems like Stern has been having trouble getting into the role. The proof is allegedly in the pudding, he has been reaching out to Marvel stars old and current for advice.