Logan Paul’s SummerSlam Moving Graphic Might Be The Most WTF In WWE History

Logan Paul’s SummerSlam Moving Graphic Might Be The Most WTF In WWE History

Ahead of all the major premium live events, WWE’s incredible production department puts together still images, video packages and moving graphics to help promote the event. I especially like the moving graphics, as they’re perfect for social media and give a quick little overview into the characters and dynamics for the particular match. With SummerSlam coming up this weekend, WWE dropped the one for the match between Logan Paul and The Miz, and umm….what?

The quick little promotional material lasts seventeen seconds. The Miz’s portion is exactly what you’d expect from him. He looks extremely douchey, acts like he’s too important to be there and gives off a self-important Hollywood jackass vibe. Perfect. Logan Paul’s on the other hand, well, I have no freaking idea what he’s trying to do here. Watch this madness WWE dropped on Instagram below…

Now, before I get into analyzing WTF is going on here, I want to shout-out Logan Paul real quick. The biggest problem most celebrities have when they do an appearance or run in WWE is that they don’t try hard enough. Paul is trying extremely hard here. He’s jumped into the deep end with his clothes on (as opposed to with them off) and without a single reservation. Serious respect.

But also, I have no idea what he’s even trying to do here. It’s like whoever was directing him just kept saying, “Nope, go bigger.” His facial expressions look like he’s on hard drugs or experiencing a medical event or maybe doing an acting exercise in an improv class. I’m not even sure if I’ve ever seen anyone make this face before…

Logan Paul and The Miz face off in a moving SummerSlam graphic.

(Image credit: WWE)

He also looks like a serious heel, and that’s my biggest problem with whatever is going on here. Look, Logan Paul won me over at WrestleMania 38. He was really freaking good and won over pretty much everyone else too. He mugged for the camera. He cheated every chance he got. He referenced Eddie Guerrero and did an amazing frog splash. He’s got so much natural talent, and if your biggest complaint about a celebrity is they should have held the tag rope more, you know they’re amazing.

I’m all in on the Logan Paul signing. I’m all in on his upside as a professional wrestler. His promo work is already better than 75% of the roster. He’s an incredible athlete. If he puts in the work, he could be spectacular, but everything he does makes him seem like a heel. He has the face and mannerisms of someone you’re supposed to root against. Maybe he’ll be able to pull it off at SummerSlam because the crowd loves booing The Miz, but I’m not sure how many other people on the roster he could get over with. 

Regardless of those long-term questions, which others on the roster struggle with too, I just want to circle back here and once again say, WTF when it comes to this motion graphic. I’m absolutely obsessed, and while I don’t think any of it makes sense for his face character right now (unless he’s going to turn heel at SummerSlam), I do want to say that his no apologies commitment makes me so excited for his forthcoming career.