How Pixar’s Dug Days Team Benefited From Working At Home

How Pixar’s Dug Days Team Benefited From Working At Home

Bob Peterson also mentioned seeing kids pop into meetings, which we all know can be disruptive to certain meetings at certain times, but in this case, he saw it as a way for the kids to learn about animation. I remember not really understanding what my parents' jobs were as a kid; I think I more saw work as a place they went for the day and then they came back. As an adult, I’ve found it a bit difficult to explain certain work to those who haven’t experienced it, so it’s really cool that some of the children of people on the Pixar team got to experience animation behind-the-scenes first hand.

Kim Collins, producer of Dug Days, also shared some benefits of working from home. Her perspective leaned more toward the logistics of the job and how she could best replicate the culture and environment of the offices at Pixar Animation Studios. Here’s what Collins told CinemaBlend: