Twitterverse SHOOK: Jack Dorsey Tweets ‘Hyperinflation’ Is ‘Happening’

Twitterverse SHOOK: Jack Dorsey Tweets ‘Hyperinflation’ Is ‘Happening’

Jack Dorsey (Liberal Twitter CEO) shocked Twitter users by warning them about imminent hyperinflation, and predicting it will soon affect the United States.

Dorsey, who oversees one of the largest offenders of Big Tech censorship, didn’t pull any punches about the danger: “Hyperinflation is going to change everything. It’s happening.”  Twitter went berserk, with over 3,600 retweets and over 15,000 likes just over an hour after the tweet was posted. 

But as if that tweet wasn’t explosive enough, Dorsey tweetedResponding to the question again tweet by mobile payments company Paga CEO Tayo Oviosu. Oviosu wrote: “Yup…we live with this built in our mental models in Nigeria…inflation is currently 16%.” Dorsey quickly wrote back: “It will happen in the US soon, and so the world.”  

Dorsey was slammed by leftist media types on Twitter, with everything from accusations of being “functionally illiterate about macroeconomics” to flat out rejections of his prediction. 

Dorsey might be expressing a libertarian view on the global economy. Tweets were shook by his August speech tweeting a link to economist Murray Rothbard’s book, “Anatomy of the State.” Dorsey’s sudden involvement in the inflation debate could be a continuation of that trend.

The Washington Post even conceded recently on inflation that “American families and businesses are altering their habits as they increasingly believe high prices are here to stay.”

The Twitter reactions to Dorsey’s red-pilled tweets were a mix of shock, fear, anger, dismissal and support.

Austin Petersen, a former presidential candidate of the Libertarian Party expressed his solidarity with Dorsey’s sentiments: “Thank you for saying this, yes you are correct.” he continued: “You tweeted Anatomy of the State recently. You should read these same thoughts and then share them with others. Read Hayek, Bastiat and Hazlitt. You’ll be grateful you did. If you already have, please share.”

The prediction was criticised by several media sources. Felix Salmon, Axios’ chief financial correspondent tried to slap down Dorsey: “Narrator: Hyperinflation was not happening.”

John Marshall, Talking Points Memo Editor, was initiated and accusedDorsey was also illiterate about macroeconomics. He is also accusedDorsey is a master entertainer of libertarian fantasies.

Stephanie Ruhle, NBC News Business Correspondent, tried to gaslight Twitter users by suggesting Dorsey had ulterior motives in mind: “Conveniently – crypto is a fave inflation hedge & jack loves crypto.”

Chris Hayes is a MSNBC host. shocked: “An incredibly revealing tweet.”

Alex Gladstein, Chief Strategy Officer at Human Rights Foundation accused anyone shocked by Dorsey’s tweet was living in a “bubble of financial privilege” and noted inflation as “one of the world’s biggest humanitarian crises.”

Tufts University Professor International Politics Daniel Drezner tried to use his own experience in Ukraine to arbitrarily dismiss Dorsey’s tweet: “I lived through actual hyperinflation in Ukraine in the early 1990s. This ain’t it mate.”

Dorsey had recently come under fire for trolling Congress on Twitter during a live hearing on “misinformation,” according to Reuters. Twitter has been known for censoring conservatives, and even banning Donald Trump. Twitter also actively intervened in the 2020 election, censoring Hunter Biden’s laptop story.

Conservatives are being attacked. Contact ABC News (818-460-7477), CBS News (212-975-3247) and NBC News (212- 664-6192) and demand they report Dorsey’s tweets on inflation during their Oct. 23 evening broadcasts.