Why Titans Shouldn't Redeem Jason Todd After Season 3 Twist On Red Hood Origin Story

Why Titans Shouldn't Redeem Jason Todd After Season 3 Twist On Red Hood Origin Story

Redemption Would Be Way Too Convenient

The events of "Lazarus" seemingly went out of the way to provide a reason for the story to eventually clear Jason, ranging from the manipulations of a far craftier villain to Jason's leftover trauma from Season 2 to the anti-fear drugs. Plus, Scarecrow conveniently knowing about a secret Lazarus Pit in Gotham that not even Batman is aware of is a big jump. And I'm still not clear on how Jason Todd, not Robin, had access to meet with Scarecrow on a regular basis at Arkham. After the twist on the origin story to add Scarecrow and the drugs, Titans needs to stick to its guns and commit to Red Hood the bad guy, not fast-forward to redeeming him.