The Most Memorable Survivor Moments From The Entire Series (So Far), Ranked

The Most Memorable Survivor Moments From The Entire Series (So Far), Ranked

3 Boston Rob’s Deal With Lex: “You Take Care of Her, I’ll Take Care of You” (Season 8 - All-Stars)

Boston Rob is known as “The Robfather” in Survivor, for his many Godfather moments he has over the years. Probably the biggest of these moments came during the All Stars Season after he fell head over heels with his now wife Amber Brkich. After a new buff drawing, Amber was the only member of her original tribe to switch tribes, which led Boston Rob to make a deal with the perceived head of the other tribe, Lex van den Berghe. He pulled Berghe aside, saying, “You take care of her, I’ll take care of you” and rather than be faced with the wrath of The Robfather, Lex obliged his request even though voting out Brkich would almost guarantee he’d make it to the Final 5.