The Latest Vin Diesel Rumors Don’t Have To Do With The Rock, But If True They Are Fast And Infuriating

The Latest Vin Diesel Rumors Don’t Have To Do With The Rock, But If True They Are Fast And Infuriating

The franchise is a massive success that has brought in billions of dollars at the global box office. We’re expecting multiple movies in the series yet to come, with Fast and Furious 11 on the horizon, as well as a new Dwayne Johnson spinoff movie. However, it’s looking like Vin Diesel’s big franchise could actually be in trouble as the next movie’s future is unknown.

The sequel to Fast X was originally set to open in theaters this year. But as of now, production has not begun, and there isn’t an expected start date. The reason, reportedly, is that Vin Diesel is having trouble securing financing for more Fast & Furious films.

The Next Fast & Furious Movie Is Reportedly Having Budget Problems

It seems odd that an entry in the Fast & Furious franchise is having trouble finding financing, but that’s the report coming from RadarOnline. It states that Diesel is trying to get the next film a massive budget, but that the last movie’s performance may make that a no-go.

Fast X grossed an impressive $715 million at the global box office, but that was on the heels of a budget that, before marketing and distribution, reportedly ballooned up to $340 million. This made the last movie barely profitable. It’s suggested that Fast & Furious 11 may need to dial back its expectations budget-wise if it wants to be more appealing to the people who write the checks.

Before Fast X’s release, it was suggested the “last” movie in the franchise could end up being a trilogy. Now it seems clear that there will only be one more movie. However there are other parts of the franchise that we were still expecting.

The Rock’s Fast & Furious Future Is Still A Big Question

Of course, the direct sequel to Fast X isn’t the only Fast & Furious project with a question hanging over it. The post-credits scene to Fast X signaled a return of Dwayne Johnson to the franchise. That news was followed by the announcement of a new spinoff, one we expected to see before the next entry in the main franchise. That movie is also in limbo.

Considering the awkward interaction that Diesel and Johnson had at the Golden Globes earlier this month, there are still a lot of questions about how much their previous feud is behind them.

It’s not entirely unheard of for a movie that was a “part one” to never get a part two. There have been projects shelved because the first movie didn’t perform. There’s no indication that Fast & Furious could be in danger of that. One assumes that if Diesel can’t get the budget he wants, he’ll take the budget he can get. But it may mean that the final entry in the storied franchise may not be quite the sendoff that he, or fans, are hoping for.