How To Determine The Best CCTV Camera IP Or Analog HD Options

How To Determine The Best CCTV Camera IP Or Analog HD Options

If you’re going to add security cameras to your home, or even to your place of business, you have a couple of choices available. There are many people that prefer using CCTV cameras, yet they are not sure about which type would be the best. Closed-circuit television cameras can provide you with live updates as to what is occurring right now at your home.

Although there are digital cameras that you can attach to your door, that will provide adequate coverage, and sometimes better to have a way of recording all of the occurrences at your home or office. To do so, you will have to choose between a CCTV camera IP option or one that provides you with analog HD quality. Here is the difference between the two types of resolutions and options that you can get with these cameras.

CCTV Camera HD Recording

CCTV Camera With IP Capabilities

When a closed-circuit television camera records information, it is typically seen on a live TV screen. This is often viewed by those that are providing the service and can provide instant assistance if they detect that an intruder is there. When you have IP capabilities, which stands for Internet protocol, all of this information is being backed up. In most cases, the resolution of this data is going to be between two megapixels and 4K resolution, the latter of which is the best.

Essentially, if you take a picture with a two-megapixel camera, the image is going to be 1920 x 1080 in resolution. If you are leaving it at the maximum settings, you cannot only get 4K images but 4K videos as well, which will help you identify those that are in the images much more clearly.

CCTV’s With Analog HD Resolution

HD resolution comes out to 720 P which is, by modern standards, the minimum resolution that you will want to have on any video. These are the standard videos that are often uploaded to the Internet, such as to YouTube, and can be seen very clearly on a standard-sized monitor or phone.

However, if you are doing playback on a large screen TV, the pixelation will not be very good. You will not end up with high levels of clarity with imagery at this little resolution which is why many people will choose CCTV cameras with IP capabilities that will do 1080P or 4K video.

Does It Matter What Type Of Camera You Are Using?

The type of camera that you are using does for many reasons. Just like a regular camera, it all comes down to the quality of the images that can be received. The amount of light that can be captured by the lens, and how wide the angle of the image is, can affect the final recording of the video produced by CCTV cameras.

Therefore, if you are using a camera that has low-resolution capabilities, it’s not going to matter if you are able to save this as a 4K video. There was simply not be enough data for the processing to produce a clear image. That’s why, if you are getting a high-quality camera, you can also use analog HD to get a very clear image.

How To Find The Best Cameras With These Options

As you assess the different HD analog cameras, and those with IP capabilities, consider how high the quality of the images and videos will be. You also want to look at the prices that are charged for the different cameras that do offer these types of services. You may find that one camera has excellent recording capabilities, and is IP enabled, which will allow you to save incredibly high-resolution images at a very reasonable cost. It may require you to do research on the many different cameras that are out there designed for CCTV surveillance. Eventually, you will locate one that cannot only store your images but do so at a very high resolution for a reasonable cost.

When choosing between the best CCTV camera with IP capabilities, and those that will have HD analog recording capabilities, you now know what to look for. If you can, try to obtain one that can maximize the resolution to enhance the overall clarity of the videos. This will allow you to easily identify intruders that may cross in front of the camera.

If you do your research properly, you should be able to identify all of the cameras that are currently available for sale with these options. One of them will be provided to you at a very reasonable cost that will have a high-resolution image and video capabilities.