I’m Glad Marvel’s Iman Vellani Shared A Positive Update On Her MCU Future, But There’s One Thing That’s Bugging Me

I’m Glad Marvel’s Iman Vellani Shared A Positive Update On Her MCU Future, But There’s One Thing That’s Bugging Me

Since the Infinity Saga, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has introduced an array of new and interesting characters, from martial arts master Shang-Chi to the all-powerful Eternals. Another newcomer who’s made waves since debuting in the MCU is Kamala Khan a.k.a. Ms. Marvel, who’s played by Iman Vellani. The delightful actor shined in her character’s eponymous limited series and The Marvels (both of which are available to Disney+ subscribers). Now, Vellani has provided a positive update on her future in the superhero franchise, which has me excited. However, there’s a related point to all of this that’s bugging me ever so slightly.

What Did Iman Vellani Say About Her Future In The MCU?

It has seemed apparent that Kamala Khan has been positioned as a major player in upcoming Marvel movies and TV shows. And the ending of The Marvels seemed to further solidify that notion with that tease hinting at the formation of the Young Avengers. Nevertheless, the MCU is a fluid organism and plans can shift and change as needed. So not every character’s future is all that guaranteed. Those fearing that they might not see more of Kamala after the Captain Marvel sequel needn’t worry, though. Iman Vellani confirmed that she’s been in touch with the Disney-owned studio, which has apparently let her know that her time is Khan isn’t over yet:

"I have been assured. So that feels good, but there was no more assurance than that. [laugh] They give me breadcrumbs, and I try and make a meal out of it."

Even before hearing the sentiments that the rising star shared with Polygon ahead of the 2024 Anime Awards, I’d have been very surprised if Iman Vellani’s MCU stint was done. As mentioned, her character has now taken on the task of recruiting young heroes for a new super team. The long-rumored Young Avengers project would seem like the perfect place for her to pop up, though she could also show up in another corner of the cinematic universe first. Regardless of how the Jersey City-based superhero returns to the fold, I’m just glad she’s coming back. 

Iman Vellani – who’s a longtime comic book fan – is a great addition to the massive franchise, which is fortunate to have her. However, when I think about her trajectory there’s one thing that’s bugging me when it comes to her professional trajectory.

What’s Nagging Me When It Comes To Iman Vellani’s Career?

The 21-year-old Canadian star is incredibly talented and totally perfect for the role of Kamala Khan. However, that’s not the only part I want to see her play. Considering all of the talent she has, it truly boggles my mind that she’s yet to be cast in any other major productions (that we know of). I mean, I’d like to see this young woman in a horror flick, a rom-com or a drama of some kind. Yes, she more than thrives within the world of superheroes, but I have no doubt that she’d do the same if given another genre to play in.

I’ve seen so many promising stars become pigeonholed for one reason or another, and I’d hate to see that happen to someone as talented as Iman Vellani. Make no mistake, I definitely want to see her star in a production centered around the Young Avengers (for which she has a lineup in mind). Still, let’s hope that Hollywood offers her some more opportunities on top of the Marvel-related ones moving forward. 

Stream Ms. Marvel and the Marvel movies in order now on Disney+ and witness the actor’s charm and wit for yourself.