J.K. Rowling Zinged By Russian Pranksters Who Faked Call With Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky

J.K. Rowling Zinged By Russian Pranksters Who Faked Call With Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky
Author J.K. Rowling, the person who put the dumb in Dumbledore in her “Harry Potter” series, is wiping egg off her face today. That’s because she fell prey to some notorious Russian pranksters.

Rowling was enticed into a Zoom call with the Russian comedy duo Vovan and Lexus, who have such high-profile scalps on their prank list as Kamala Harris and Prince Harry. Rowling thought she was talking to President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The camera was off on the Russian side of the Zoom call. Rowling hoped to talk about her charity work for Ukraine. However, the comedy duo told her that the Ukrainians were writing “Avada Kedavra” on their missiles, a nod to the most deadly spell in wizarding.

Rowlilng said that was a brilliant idea.

From there, it went downhill, as the duo asked whether Dumbledore slept with a transgender person, a nod to Rowling’s other big misstep.