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Kepler Interactive today announced that it has wrapped its first full year in operation, and it’s beginning 2023 with a series of new publishing partnerships and investments. According to Kepler, its revenues exceeded $50 million in 2022, during which time it launched two games from its founding studios: Scorn (from Ebb Software) and Sifu (from Sloclap).
In 2023, Kepler’s partnering with new studios. With Gentlebros, the developers of the CatQuest games, Kepler will support the series’ back catalog and publish future releases. With new studio Sandfall Interactive, Kepler has a global publishing partnership and will publish its upcoming unnamed single-player adventure game. It’s also deepening its partnership with Chinese marketing firm IOI Gamer.
Kepler also revealed it’s launching a white-label publishing service to developers that includes marketing and publishing support. Upcoming games with this support include Eternights by Studio Sai and the unnamed debut title by Hadoque, a studio run by Hotline Miami artist El Huervo.
Kepler CEO Alexis Garavaryan said in a statement, “We started Kepler with the ambition to offer the best environment for exceptional teams to thrive. Last year’s results have validated this aspiration beyond our wildest expectations.”
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The publishing studio formed in 2021 as part of a partnership between A44 Games, Alpha Channel, Awaceb, Ebb Software, Shapefarm, Sloclap and Timberline Studio. All of the founding studios co-own and run Kepler Interactive, with help from the Kowloon Nights developer fund. Kepler plans for at least two game releases in 2023: Open-world adventure game Tchia and action RPG Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn.
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