Two Specific Reasons Elsbeth And High Potential Got Me Back Into Network Murder Mysteries

Two Specific Reasons Elsbeth And High Potential Got Me Back Into Network Murder Mysteries

If you had told me at the start of last fall that two of my most anticipated projects on the 2025 TV schedule would be network murder mysteries, I wouldn’t have believed you. I had been out on most procedurals, especially the murder type, for a while, and I didn’t have plans to get back into them. However, in 2024, I decided to binge what I could of CBS’s Elsbeth and ABC’s High Potential, and now my tune on these shows has totally changed for two reasons.

Both Elsbeth And High Potential Are Genuinely Hilarious And Heartfelt

I think my issue with big network dramas is they’re too serious. I’ve never been able to get into series like Law and Order or Criminal Minds or NCIS mostly because they are all so heavy and dramatic. Now, I get that that’s why many viewers probably like them. However, for me, I need a show (most of the time) that has a lighter and more heartfelt touch. Both High Potential and Elsbeth have that in dividends.

First of all, the ABC show we’re talking about here is led by beloved comedic actress Kaitlin Olson. She’s naturally hilarious and brings that straight into the show as she plays Morgan. Through that humor, she’s able to shake up this very self-serious police department, which makes the show so much better. Between her hilarious relationship with the very serious Detective Karedec and her hijinks that come with not fully knowing how to solve a crime, we get a wildly entertaining and genuinely funny series.

Elsbeth succeeds for a similar reason. Carrie Preston’s titular character – who was originally featured in The Good Wife and The Good Fight – is quirky, optimistic and truly hilarious. Like Elsbeth's bright outfits standing out in the sea of blue uniforms, her performance stands out greatly too because of her brilliant comedic timing. That all helps break through all the seriousness that typically overtakes this genre.

On top of the humor, both women are genuine and heartfelt. Their characters so deeply care about their cases and co-workers, and it’s not done in a way that feels disingenuous. That means, that they know the perfect moments to crack a joke while also knowing exactly when to be serious.

Knowing how to play both sides of the coin, makes me love these shows so much, because I can both genuinely laugh with them while also being invested in their stories and cases in a meaningful way.

Elsbeth And Morgan Are Both Three-Dimensional, Confident And Hyper Intelligent Characters Who Don’t Take Themselves Too Seriously

While I realize strong, independent and intelligent characters are in basically every network murder mystery, Elsbeth and Morgan feel different because they don’t take themselves too seriously. They know they aren’t the most experienced in the room, however, they are the smartest (usually) and are confident in their abilities. However, in both Elsbeth and High Potential, these two women also have vulnerable moments. Mix that all together, and you get two leads of murder mysteries who I will always root for and want to watch.

In High Potential’s case, Morgan knows her IQ is higher than everyone else's, and the way Olson plays into that, especially when she’s poking fun at Karadec, is super fun. On the flip side, she takes her role as a mother and protector very seriously. When those things come together, we get a three-dimensional character who is just trying her best who is also fun to watch.

Meanwhile, on Elsbeth, Preston’s character's quirky way of solving crimes is irresistible, and it seems like she’s genuinely enjoying doing the work she’s doing. That means I’m having fun too. Plus, we are slowly getting more and more breadcrumbs about her personal life – especially now that her son is in the picture – and we’re starting to understand more about why she moved from Chicago to New York, which adds some dramatic flair to the story. Blended into one, this makes for a smart, entertaining and totally unique mystery that I can't get enough of.

In both cases, seeing these women navigate their lives, and really lean into their confidence and intelligence makes for fascinating shows that I can’t take my eyes off.

In the past, every time I’ve tried to get into a network murder mystery, I’ve had a hard time latching on, because I didn’t fall head over heels for the characters and they could sometimes really drag me down with a heavy tone. However, both Elsbeth and High Potential expertly move away from those elements while also playing into the classic format their shows use, which I adore!

To get in on this procedural party, you can catch new episodes of High Potential on ABC every Tuesday at 9 p.m. ET and you can stream the series with a Hulu subscription. Meanwhile, Elsbeth will return on Thursday, January 30 at 10 p.m. ET on CBS and it’s streamable with a Paramount+ subscription.